September 24markesthe firstteachingdayforclass 2021 in XVTC.Accompaniedbydeansof secondary schools, college administrators Xi Shangjun, Rui Hongya, Diwu Jianying, Yang Xinyu,andWu Xujin observed and evaluated the first classes.
The administrators observed various classes in differentsecondary schools, such as Mechanical Drawing in Mechanical andElectrical (Technician)School, Normal Body Structure and Function inMedicalSchool, Fundamentals of Dermatology in School of Medicine and Chemical Engineering, Ideological Morality and the Rule of Law in School of Marxism and Brief History of The Development of Civil Aviation in China inSchool ofFinance andEconomics.Fully prepared, teacherscarefullyelaboratedthe core contentandsignificanceoflearningin their excellentlectures.
In recent years, it has become a normal practice for administrators to go deep into the first class of the new semester, which is an important measure to strengthen the management,improve the quality and promote teaching skill.